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What is an SJDB Voucher?

A Supplemental Job Displacement (SJDB) voucher is a non-transferable benefit that can be used for retraining and skill enhancement related to education.

Employees who sustain injuries on or after January 1, 2013, resulting in permanent partial disability may qualify for an SJDB voucher if their employer fails to offer suitable alternative employment. The offer must be made within 60 days after the claims administrator receives the
Physician's Return-to-Work & Voucher Report.

The value of SJDB vouchers is $6,000, regardless of the level of disability. This amount can only be utilized for training, education, or skill development at eligible training or education providers. Up to $1,000 can be used to purchase computer equipment, while $500 can be allocated for miscellaneous expenses. Additionally, $600 can be used to cover the services of a vocational counselor or placement agency.

Image by Scott Graham
Legal Consultant

What is the Return-To-Work Supplement Program (RTWSP)?

The RTWSP is a benefits program designed to assist employees with permanent disabilities. It operates with a fund of $120 million. Employees who were injured at work on or after January 1, 2013, and have received an SJDB voucher are typically eligible to apply for the RTWSP. Applications must be submitted within 365 days of receiving the SJDB voucher.

What is an Expert Witness?

Expert witnesses are individuals who can provide testimony, depositions, reports, and other forms of expertise on issues related to
Workers' Compensation.

How can DK Solutions assist your office?

  • SJDB, RTWSP, and expert witness, assistance, and support for all your We connect your office to comprehensive

  • objectives for each client.testing to develop tailored and unique vocational Services include personalized counseling and

  • Provide support in multiple languages.

  • Promptly reach out to your clients within 24 hours and manage communications, ensuring they contact their assigned counselors rather than burdening your staff regarding SJDB and RTWSP services.

  • Offer educational options that align with your clients' needs and interests.

  • Expertise extends to expert witness services, including testimony, depositions, reports, and SIBTF expert witness reports.

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